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Chinese translation for "oxygen tent"


Related Translations:
tent:  n.1.帐篷;帐篷状东西。2.寓所,住处。3.【摄影】携带暗室 (=dark tent)。4.【医学】(防止气体散发用的)帷罩。短语和例子pitch a tent 搭帐棚。 strike a tent 拆帐棚。vt.1.用帐篷遮盖。2.(使)住在帐篷里。vi.1.住帐篷;宿营。2.暂居。短语和例子We're going to tent in the Golden Hill
tent guy:  帐棚支索。
tent pole:  帐篷支柱。
tent fly:  帐棚盖。
tent stitch:  (刺绣)斜向平行针脚。
tent trailer:  帐篷拖车。
tent club:  (印度的)长矛猎猪俱乐部。
tent caterpillar:  【昆虫】黄褐天幕毛虫。
tent show:  帐篷下的户外演出。
pup tent:  〔美国〕楔形帆布小帐篷。
Example Sentences:
1.They placed the child in an oxygen tent when he had difficulty in breathing .
2.While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery , their parents were paying the price for fame .
3.They placed the child in an oxygen tent when he had difficulty in breathing
4.They placed the child in an oxygen tent when he had difficulty in breathing
5.It couldn ' t , because upstairs duncan edwards and matt busby were in oxygen tents and fighting uphill battles to stay alive
6.While the five babies were still quietly sleeping in oxygen tents in a hospital nursery , their parents were paying the price for fame
7.The old woman in the oxygen tent fondly told her nephew that all her wealth , stocks , bonds , bank account and real estate would be his after the end finally came
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